While Mister put my mold together, I got started - mixing my lye and water, measuring my oils and melting, preparing my additives and scent. As far as time goes I kinda forgot to factor in the that a larger batch takes a bit more time - half way through I realized I would be late for lunch. Called my friend to reschedule. Back to the soap. Finally it is time to mix the batch. Now its time for splitting the batch. I usually just eyeball this part but this time I actually measured it out with the scale - which is when the first minor calamity occurred. Because I was in a bit of a rush, I poured too quickly and raw soap spilled over my scale and onto the table....WOOPS!! At this point I thought - ooh I should have Mister take pictures. Great idea! So now he is involved in taking pictures of me in our poorly lit small ass kitchen while I continue my soaping. As you see, we got some sweet photos of me in my giant sweatshirt/sweat-pant combo looking extremely attractive.
Eventually, the soap thickened and I was able to cover my mold and head out to lunch, but my whole "plan" for my day was shot.
Looking back at Monday (and some other soap days) I realize that I need to learn a little patience while soap making and I need to try not to do "everything" in one day. I am always so excited about coming up with combinations and the final product that sometimes I forget to slow down and deal with whats happening in the moment. My goal for next time is to focus on the process, and not rush things because things usually don't go according to the plan. I am also going to try to not put so much pressure on myself to get everything done according to a schedule cause life just doesn't work that way.
Also, I wont be letting Mister put my molds together ; ).
P.S. I am hoping to have my soaps available on etsy in February, so stay tuned!!!
hi alana! i hope your scale isn't ruined! sorry your day didn't go "as planned" but at least your soap looks like it will come out okay! and you learned a few things in the process. i always seem to underestimate the time it takes to do many things - i guess we're just all trying to do too much :). anyway, sorry you couldn't join us for the soaper's meeting, but we'll have another one on 3/7/09, 6-9pm. hope you can make it (and bring some of your soap for "show and tell")!
Thanks Lori!! Luckily the scale survived. It is really hard to slow down and focus somethimes - especially when it feels like there are a million things to do!
I was in a rush the other day and wiped some raw soap on my face. I didn't notice until I had a lil hole burned into my cheek. Dumb ass. I need some patience too!
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